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Christian Louboutin and his Brand

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Lady Gaga, the famous woman who has a great influence around the world, not only for his iconic status in the world of entertainment too, no matter where the charm will be bright, because she uses are exuberant brand and these beautiful clothes and shoes are apparently more beauticul. once she said a woman is as hot as the shoes he wears, what he said indicates the importance of women's shoes, Christian Louboutin shoes can explain these phrases vívidamente.Christian Louboutin, a well known brand is also the name of the designer of it. Born in 1963 in Paris, was raised by his mother and four older sisters. His father was a carpenter excellent. After leaving school he became an apprentice at the center of shoe manufacturing in France. The models had great influence on him, and he always skipped classes to see their performances because he was attracted by the bombs that llevaban.http: / / www.dmchristianlouboutin.comhttp://www.discountlerveleger.comEsa was the driving force for him to design a pair of pumps. He objected to leave school early, but he said he had already made his decision. Their hard work paid off in the past. The first pair of shoes produced. While promoting his shoes everywhere, no one accepted. After many hits, he realized he must have professional training. Presented by a friend, he learned from Bergeres follies and later learned the shoe manufacturing technologies consistently at Charles Jourdan, who was quite famous at that time. Thus, he wrote for the defficiencies in that time, I had no idea of ​​its own brand and also refused to join any group. It just worked as a free worker. Finally he joined Roger Vivier - a footwear manufacturing company. With the help of some professors, made great progress, and eventually created his own label in 1992. This type of shoes attracted many people due to their high heels and color brillante.Entre all shoes, shoes with red soles are popular because women can show her elegance, beauty and depth. At first, the color red was a bit vague, but when he saw his assistant red nail polish was arroused to make the only bright red. The effect was good and red-soled shoes is the symbol of Christian Louboutin.Las pumps with red soles spread very quickly. Famous stars and aristocrats of the royal court, all his fans, which is more popular. Ameron icole Caroline Diaz Lopez Kidman Parker Jesscia arah Ennifar customers. It is magical for women, giving them the opportunity to show their charm to men. A woman who has worn that they feel comfortable. € Christian Louboutin once said: "No matter what the woman is to become a sexy using the bombs." Not to mention a person's red-soled pumps.Eminent take it as a decoration that can show its economic and social status to others. Britney Spears flew to Los Angeles with a pair of Christian Louboutin. Carlos Aguilera, another fan, often attending to some important activities to him. Most Japanese stars are also fond of them. Christian Louboutin, even appeared in a few words of canciones.Ahora has five franchised stores in the United States and Asia, the shop opened its first franchise in Hong Kong in August 2008 and then in Beijing and our store Shanghai.En online, you can find different styles of shoes such as boots Christian Louboutin Christian, Christian Louboutin pumps, flats Christian Louboutin, Christian Louboutin shoes with the best quality and competitive prices. I think you will never regret Christian Louboutin shoes. We will do our best to satisfy

Love To Shop Has It Turned Into a Shopping Addiction

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There are those of us who actually enjoy shopping and have to say the most terrible in a list. For a person who has an addiction to shopping, that isn't be one of those things. It's something to do. They shop because it gives them a feeling of euphoria and shop like no tomorrow. A person addicted to shopping, stores, because I absolutely believe that purchases are made to feel better. The shop compulsively and spend excessive amounts of money. They do not control, and like the skins alcoholic vodka in the closet, hides shopoholic what they buy. They are afraid of getting caught. Here are some warning signs of an addiction to shopping. Are you shopping or spending because you feel angry, anxious, lonely or depressed? They are discussing with you like about your buying habits? Do you feel lost if you do not have their credit cards? Do you buy on credit instead of cash? You can get a high when buying? Do you feel guilty or ashamed after going on a shopping trip? Do you lie about how much money is spent? Do You think obsessively about money? Do you spend much time "robbing Peter to pay Paul" to fill their days shopping? If you answered yes to four or more of these, you should talk to someone about the possibility of being addicted to shopping. If you are consistently over budget spending, buying things you do not have a real need for you need to get help. Understand that a shopping addiction is as serious as drug addiction and alcohol addiction. The consequences are so serious, such as job loss, relationship, home, everything you have. There are support groups available for people addicted to shopping. A quick search on internet shopping addiction also offers a good list of support groups and places that can help break your addiction. Remember that the only way to end an addiction is to want to break. If you are motivated to change their behavior to be able to change it.