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Love To Shop Has It Turned Into a Shopping Addiction

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There are those of us who actually enjoy shopping and have to say the most terrible in a list. For a person who has an addiction to shopping, that isn't be one of those things. It's something to do. They shop because it gives them a feeling of euphoria and shop like no tomorrow. A person addicted to shopping, stores, because I absolutely believe that purchases are made to feel better. The shop compulsively and spend excessive amounts of money. They do not control, and like the skins alcoholic vodka in the closet, hides shopoholic what they buy. They are afraid of getting caught. Here are some warning signs of an addiction to shopping. Are you shopping or spending because you feel angry, anxious, lonely or depressed? They are discussing with you like about your buying habits? Do you feel lost if you do not have their credit cards? Do you buy on credit instead of cash? You can get a high when buying? Do you feel guilty or ashamed after going on a shopping trip? Do you lie about how much money is spent? Do You think obsessively about money? Do you spend much time "robbing Peter to pay Paul" to fill their days shopping? If you answered yes to four or more of these, you should talk to someone about the possibility of being addicted to shopping. If you are consistently over budget spending, buying things you do not have a real need for you need to get help. Understand that a shopping addiction is as serious as drug addiction and alcohol addiction. The consequences are so serious, such as job loss, relationship, home, everything you have. There are support groups available for people addicted to shopping. A quick search on internet shopping addiction also offers a good list of support groups and places that can help break your addiction. Remember that the only way to end an addiction is to want to break. If you are motivated to change their behavior to be able to change it.


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